Monday, 13 June 2011

The End...The Journey north to Ingleterra – Rute-Cordoba-Madrid-Borges-San Sebastian-Bordeaux-Nante-Rennes-St Malo. Early June 2011

Before I start I just want to plug my pictures pages!  To the right of this web page is a list of other pages in this blog.  There are some poems (mostly sad ones) and there is also a list of all of my photographs from my trip.  The ones of Cordoba are probably my favourite.  Please have a look.
I couldn’t sleep so I packed up the Mazy and left Rute at 1030pm.  The route was a simple one.  Due north for 1064 miles!  At first all went well but this turned into the most challenging drive of the trip.  Not only was it a long drive but the weather was not sympathetic.  It hammered down for about 150 miles south of Madrid.  I was up high and everyone had to slow to 40mph. I was tired and in pain so I rested for a couple of hours before continuing.  The weather changed and the final 150 miles run into Madrid was a high speed fun run!  It is a dead straight road and high speed was requested from and delivered by the ever reliable Mazy.  Madrid came and went as did the night and I rested for another couple of hours at the Spain/France boarder.
After trying to get a bed for the night 60 miles short of the French channel coast I pressed on to St Malo.  Here I found a little gem and had my best meal of the trip.  The distance from Rute to St Malo is 1064 miles.  I had completed that journey in 22 hours including rest periods.  I was tired and hungry and I felt that my wonderful adventure had come to an end.  By this time all I wanted was a cheap Ibis or Travel Lodge type hotel.  As I approach St Malo I went for the first hotel advertised.  La Grassinais Hotel and Restaurant (Tel: 02 99 81 33 00). After a quick shower I sat down to eat in the Restaurant part of my hotel at 845pm.  This was a simple, classy dining room that offered 4 starters 4 fish and 4 meat dishes.  With the exception of a pastry and cheese board that was it.  I knew I was going to get a good meal here so I gritted my teeth for a significant bill.
I ordered a brochette of langoustines to start followed by filet of beef.  A complementary melon soup came to me first and it was to die for.  I also ordered a Grand Cru claret (£40).  The reduction on the beef was plum like and worked magnificently with the wine and I savoured the whole meal.  The wine lasted long enough to be enjoyed with the cheese.  The service was first rate and I went to bed at 11pm.  This old French farm house is bizarrely set in a modern industrial site on the outskirts of St Malo (about 10 minutes from the ferry port).  My meal cost me £105 and all up my last night was 175euros and it was a fitting end to 2 months on the continent.
Refreshed and with a slight headache I packed up the Mazy for the final time and went down to the ferry terminal to change my ticket.  I was 3 days early and wanted to get home – the magic and impression of freedom had now disappeared.  Brittany Ferries swapped my ticket at no expense so I took the 1030am crossing and that was that.
So there ends the road movie.  So what?  What have I achieved and was it worth it?  I was a little messed up when I left.  I also really wanted to do something meaningful whilst I still could.  I also wanted to improve my understanding of my continent and its other countries.  I think I have succeeded spectacularly.  Note the following:
Major Mountain Ranges Crossed:                            Alps x2, Pyrenees x2, Sierra Nevada
Self Governing Territories Visited:                            Spain, Andorra, Gibraltar, Monaco, Italy, France
Miles Covered:                                                                 5926 (door to door)
Cost of Fuel:                                                                       £1250
Road Tolls:                                                                          £350
Total Spend:                                                                       £5000
My problem in conceiving this trip was to do something worthy of retirement and achievable with some effort.  The most important requirement however was for my trip to be epic and worthy of remembering.
I have dined with interesting people.  I have also formed fun and interesting relationships with normal French, Spanish and, to a lesser extent, Italian people.  I have begun to believe that it is possible for me to learn a foreign language.  I have proved to myself that I can still do big things when I want to.
I have taken many pictures when I was touring and I have included most of these in the pages of this blog.  I am going away again this summer to France with a friend on the motorcycles.  This will be very much a 3-4 day affair but I will “blog it”.  Later in the year I also hope to return to Rute – once I learn a little more Spanish!!!
But for now it’s the rebuild of my house.  I will keep you informed of that project as well.  I don’t think it will be as interesting a story as the trip I have just completed however.

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