Friday, 27 May 2011

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions.... Rute, Late May 2011

I have spent the last several days just relaxing, sleeping in late and walking down to the Meido Bar for a late drink or three.  The Disco-Pub de Meido is a great little bar owned (as far as I can make out) by two ladies, Carmen and Angeles.  Angeles is a biker and has an immaculate Suzuki Intruder.  She likes her rally’s and is off to Portugal soon for a weekend of rock music, beer and anything else that takes he fancy.  Good for her!  She works very hard and deserves her time away from work.  I hope she has a safe journey.
Yesterday was her 44th birthday.  At midnight the regulars produced a cake, complete with lit candles and we all sang “Happy Birthday”.  The tune is the same as in England but with Spanish words.  She was really touched by this.  I love to see people taking the trouble to make someone else feel special - even if it is only for a few minutes.  Her regular drinkers are clearly her friends.  I stepped back and I think I enjoyed her moment as much as she did.  I know my imminent birthday will be completely different but that is ok.  It’s my choice I suppose.
Carmen is the other co-owner (as far as I can make out).  Carmen appears to be strong character.  She has a lot to say and I bet she is a great person to know.  She definitely has a mind of her own and comes across as a funny and intelligent woman who believes in what she says and says it with a smile.  I bet she is passionate about everything she does.  She is also very beautiful.  It is quite a mix.  She was the first person I spoke to in de Meido.
In a previous post I have said how much the locals, despite the language difficulties, have tried to make me feel welcome.  They take the time to speak to me and I can tell from their body language and facial expressions that their moves are genuine.  They know I’m on my own.  I think they sense I have had an interesting life.  Mariose and Eva are regulars in the bar and they try to talk to me and include me in what goes on there including Angeles’s birthday celebrations.  They invited me over.  They gave me Champagne and a piece of cake.  They made certain I was included in the group photos.  Because I appreciate this so much I try to remain a little aloof.  I’m not being rude or unappreciative but I respect their right to enjoy themselves without some English “hanger on” slowing them down.  I think they understand this – I hope so anyway.
I feel very frustrated that I can’t express myself here.  I’m an intelligent and articulate man and I love to talk.  I would love to get to know these people.  I have tried to learn the language from books and CD’s but I just can’t quite get it right!  Even the basics have so far eluded me.  Simply asking “how are you?” (como esta) in Spanish gets a blank face from the Spanish here.  If it is frustrating for me imagine how exhausting it must be for my Spanish friends to keep on trying to communicate with me?  They do keep trying though and I understand a little more every day but my progress is very slow.  When I return here (and I will return) I will ensure I can speak some Spanish.  I feel I need to repay them for their efforts.
I could be wrong but I think the Meido bar is rare in Spain and these girls deserve respect for having such a business in a country where the male still has primacy.  The male dominance here is a subtle thing and totally unnatural to me.  English men (those from the south anyway!) open doors for ladies, carry the shopping and share the cleaning and cooking duties at home.  I don’t think it is quite the same here.  In England a man is measured by his modesty and the respect and deference he shows those weaker than himself.  It is the best element of the English culture.
The title of this post is Decisions, Decisions, Decisions and here are my options:
1.            Stay in Rute another month.
2.            I could stick to the original plan and leave Rute on the 8th of June and get my ferry from St Malo on the 11th.
Both options have their charm but the reason why I have the time and money to do this trip is because I am ill.  I ignore it but it is always there – the pain from my broken body.  I have worked very hard in the last year to lose weight and build my body so it is strong enough to endure prolonged independent travelling but my injuries are serious.  My pain levels are increasing every day.  Today, simply moving off the sofa is a painful experience and whilst I know the pain will ease as I stretch and warm up my back I’m too far from home to push it.  Although I am working out here I need regular access to a swimming pool and gym to rebuild myself again properly.  Rest, dumbbells and pain killers are not enough.  If I relapse I could be bed ridden for weeks.  At home alone that is difficult.  A thousand miles from home alone means other people will need to help me and that is unacceptable.  It’s my problem, not anyone else’s and I have a 1000 mile drive ahead of me.  I also need a haircut!
I have had a great time in Rute.  From the start of this trip I have obeyed the rules I set myself when I left in April.  I have tried to blend in as much as I can and not get involved in any romantic or other complications.  I try to look at everyone but look at no one.  It is a good plan when travelling alone in countries when you don’t know the language or the customs.  I also need to think of the “bigger picture” to.  I have unfinished business in England.  I can always return and I now have my own contacts to do exactly that in the autumn.  My destiny – the “whatever” and “wherever” - can only be decided in England.
So far I have not offended anyone.  I have been well received wherever I have gone and met some fun and interesting people.  I have seen and learned so much.  My car is one piece, dent free and running well.  I have now travelled some 4600 miles.  I think it is time to accept that this trip is coming to an end.  I should be thankful it has been (so far) a success and concentrate on the next one rather than pushing this one too far.
With a heavy heart, I will leave Rute for home on the 8th of June.  It will be my last great journey on mainland Europe.  I’m going to miss the challenge of it all and the thought of this trip coming to an end has made me a little sad.
Back to today.  I need to work out and post his on my blog.  The bar is closed tonight so a quiet night in.  I think I’m going to cook myself something nice and have a class of good wine.  More to follow.

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