The description of this blog has warned you... My Mantras!
1. Never fuck your mates girl/boyfriends.
2. Have as much fun as you can in life at noboby elses expense. (This is not mine. Cheers to Simon Russell. The wisedom remains and is true now as when you said it when we were teenagers! I hope you are doing well and you and Clare have a hat full of children. RIP those that died before they were 25 - Yank and Dave, it was a pleasure.)
3. Never get into a relationship/fuck with someone who is married or into something serious - It's not the outsiders place! Obvious!! Families never forget, the hurt is deep and the vengence will overcome you sooner or later, in this world or the next.
4. If you are doing something worthwhile and your heart is in it, never give it up as lost you may never have the chance again!
5. Don't buy a Honda. Motorcycles are just so much more interesting if you go somewhere else.
Ok, ok, its not 10 like Moses would have prefered but in the modern world It will do and if you are like most of us, therefore free from criminal intentions, it's a good "starter for 10". Paxman and Bamber would be proud! Being a twat i'm sure I will add more lessons as I learn the wisedom. Love you!
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