Ok, some straight reporting then. Out of the blue a friend suggested that the Swanage Folk Festival would be a laugh so I duly drove down, confirmed it is indeed a laugh, drove back again and returned better equipped for beech life the next day. The weather was glorious and I bumped into several traders including Sian Thomas and her partner Damian who have appeared many times in this blog over the last 2 years. Great people. Always a pleasure.
I spent most of my time crashed on the grass slowly sipping a pint and taking it all in. There was lots going on and I met new people and maybe confirmed a suspicion about those I have met before. I accepted a generous offer that begot a comfy sofa for the night. Saturday night.
Nice thing about being retired is that - providing you don't die or something - there is always another day and you can largely shape it as you see fit. Saturday was refreshingly hassle free and fortunately this agreeable formula was repeated and another lovely day finished with fish and chips with wine and chat. A lot of chat. Hours of lovely, quiet, honest, deep, intelligent and sometimes difficult chat in the flicker of candle light. Candle light has a way of making mental pictures with a sepia tint and that so fits this night. The moment of my year - at least. So that was Sunday.
It's funny how our lives often can change in an instant. It can be a health shock, a career decision, you could read a blog. It could be a double take and smile. These events can take a time to sink in but when encountered you know something unusual has happened and you wonder what may happen next. I wonder.
It was Lizzy's 21st recently so I went to see the old bag in Cardiff. She is happily dealing with boy issues and we had a sharing session over green tea. In fact she was very happy. Moving to Cardiff is the best thing that could have possibly happened to this remarkable young lady and she has grown into a fully functioning, confident, independent woman. Yup, worth a Nikon that. So I bought her one. Happy birthday hun. Love ya.
Has there ever been a post on any blog with so much beauty and impressive talent on display? I don't think so. An interesting group of photos. Just to complete the set and given this is Lizzy's 21st, here is one of me when I was 21! Always the huge firebreathing Kawasaki's....
Am I going to take my chance? I always attempt to. A double edged comment if ever there was one but true nevertheless. Such is the nature of hope if you possess it. It leads and you follow.
Good night one and all and plan the deliverance of your dream through the execution of one perfect moment....it could be just a look and a smile...
Reef again and a rough live version but I love the lyrics.....it may go!! Let's hope not.